Saturday, May 17, 2014

Committee Statement: Coalition of the Mexican Drug Cartels

Press Statement

Since the beginning of the drug war more than 100,000 citizens of Mexico have been killed. It is time for the violence to end. Yet, today the office of President Enrique Nieto has stated to the cartel coalition its intention to systematically launch military assaults on all cartel strongholds beginning tonight.

The cartels bring hundreds of billions of pesos into the Mexican Economy. We feed the hungry, house the homeless, and clothe the naked.

This is our plea to the Mexican people. Hold your government to account. Demand they stop the violence. Demand they stop fighting the United States’ wars. Demand that they strengthen the country rather than hurt it.

We request that the Mexican government immediately make a public statement declaring the drug war over and its intention to begin rebuilding this great nation. 

The Coalition of the Mexican Drug Cartels