Ever notice how energetic and excited he is throughout the entire movie? Just an adorable comic relief character right? Look closer. Cocaine often comes in the form of a white powdery substance. Throughout the movie white powder imagery is consistently shown, of which Olaf is a living essence of that powder. Those who promote cocaine often depict the drug as one in which gives you endless energy and happiness. Hmm endless energy and happiness who from the movie sounds a lot like that?
2. Dumbos Drinking Problem
Remember that scene when Dumbo drank the "mysterious" juice and started dreaming of Pink Elephants? Take another look. That's actually alcohol.
3. Snow White is yet another advertisement for Cocaine.

Cocaine is sometimes called: Snow, White Lady, Charlie, Coke, Powder and even Snow White. Coincidence? Take a look at her companions.
4-10 The Seven Dwarfs!
Ever notice something funny about the names of the Seven Dwarves? (Seven by the way is the number of years you get for possession of cocaine) Well you're not alone.
4. Happy – Cocaine puts you in a euphoric state of mind, and this guy is the perfect example. So much cocaine usage has left him in a blissful state. It’s tragic. But this is what initially sucks the user into this destructive drug..You are happy and in a state of euphoria….at first.
5. Sneezy – Now this is a sad case, to most people when he has his finger up to his nose it may seem he is stifling a sneeze, but in reality, this poor midget is getting his fix of coke by putting it on his finger. The other dwarfs think he has a sneezing problem, but he is much smarter than them. Hiding your habit by putting it on your nose…..But this goes without saying. Sneezing is a major symptom with cocaine users. People! Use common sense! What animator would use a character of “sneezy”, combined with all the rest of the symptoms we’ve pointed out unless it was a drug reference that went up your nose? This isn’t rocket science…
6. Sleepy – You become sleepy from doing cocaine. Too much cocaine makes this guy seem like a sufferer of narcolepsy. The problem is, since cocaine is a major “upper’ it most likely will not let the user sleep. Even though they crave sleep.
7. Bashful – When you do cocaine you go into withdrawal after the initial “High”...It leads to a feeling of isolation and depression and a general feeling of wanting to stay away from other people.
8. Dopey – When you hear Snow White, you either think of her or this dwarf. He may be the goofiest of the dwarfs, but wouldn’t you be if you were a cocaine symptom, he always runs around with the over sized tunic and ears looking ridiculous and also crazy. He’s pretty much level-headed when he doesn’t take his cocaine. But dopey (DOPE), is what ALL cocaine users become.
9. Grumpy – After a while on a cocaine high, you get angry, just as this curmudgeonly old bastard does. Oh the “Doc” will tell you “He just has a mental imbalance” but while on cocaine he’s a rambling psychotic, dangerous to talk to and more dangerous to interact with. Men that are on cocaine are more likely to abuse their spouse when high on this drug. The lack of sleep, even though the user is sleepy leads to this symptom…Also, depression, anger (grumpy) and a host of other symptoms are related to this.
10. Doc – You’ll need one to do repairs on your nose or get you more for medicinal purposes…The “doc” actually becomes an enabler….DO YOU SEE WHAT’S GOING ON?
11. Alice In Wonderland and her Mushrooms

She eats magic ‘mushrooms’ and you can also see a blue Demonic being obviously smoking out of a bong. The blue being allowing her to eat some mushrooms clearly represents a child friendly drug lord selling to an ignorant customer.
Every night she feeds the children ‘medicine’ and then they jump into
paintings and have yet more adventures.”A spoon full of sugar helps the
medicine go down” What medicine are they speaking of? And why do we
need sugar to help the “medicine” go down?
3. Snow White is yet another advertisement for Cocaine.

Cocaine is sometimes called: Snow, White Lady, Charlie, Coke, Powder and even Snow White. Coincidence? Take a look at her companions.
4-10 The Seven Dwarfs!
Ever notice something funny about the names of the Seven Dwarves? (Seven by the way is the number of years you get for possession of cocaine) Well you're not alone.
4. Happy – Cocaine puts you in a euphoric state of mind, and this guy is the perfect example. So much cocaine usage has left him in a blissful state. It’s tragic. But this is what initially sucks the user into this destructive drug..You are happy and in a state of euphoria….at first.
5. Sneezy – Now this is a sad case, to most people when he has his finger up to his nose it may seem he is stifling a sneeze, but in reality, this poor midget is getting his fix of coke by putting it on his finger. The other dwarfs think he has a sneezing problem, but he is much smarter than them. Hiding your habit by putting it on your nose…..But this goes without saying. Sneezing is a major symptom with cocaine users. People! Use common sense! What animator would use a character of “sneezy”, combined with all the rest of the symptoms we’ve pointed out unless it was a drug reference that went up your nose? This isn’t rocket science…
6. Sleepy – You become sleepy from doing cocaine. Too much cocaine makes this guy seem like a sufferer of narcolepsy. The problem is, since cocaine is a major “upper’ it most likely will not let the user sleep. Even though they crave sleep.
7. Bashful – When you do cocaine you go into withdrawal after the initial “High”...It leads to a feeling of isolation and depression and a general feeling of wanting to stay away from other people.
8. Dopey – When you hear Snow White, you either think of her or this dwarf. He may be the goofiest of the dwarfs, but wouldn’t you be if you were a cocaine symptom, he always runs around with the over sized tunic and ears looking ridiculous and also crazy. He’s pretty much level-headed when he doesn’t take his cocaine. But dopey (DOPE), is what ALL cocaine users become.
9. Grumpy – After a while on a cocaine high, you get angry, just as this curmudgeonly old bastard does. Oh the “Doc” will tell you “He just has a mental imbalance” but while on cocaine he’s a rambling psychotic, dangerous to talk to and more dangerous to interact with. Men that are on cocaine are more likely to abuse their spouse when high on this drug. The lack of sleep, even though the user is sleepy leads to this symptom…Also, depression, anger (grumpy) and a host of other symptoms are related to this.
10. Doc – You’ll need one to do repairs on your nose or get you more for medicinal purposes…The “doc” actually becomes an enabler….DO YOU SEE WHAT’S GOING ON?
11. Alice In Wonderland and her Mushrooms