Saturday, May 17, 2014

Mediocre Response From The Mexican Government

Earthquakes have been ravaging central and the west coast of Mexico, displacing migratory workers from their homes and forcing them to relocate for housing, food, and medical assistance. No one has been more heavily affected than those living on the outskirts of the Mexico City, where slums comprised of both locals and migrants desperately seek relief from damage and injury caused by the quakes. Those in dilapidated housing have suffered major damages, and thousands remain homeless without government assistance.

In a recent interview with Amnesty, Secretary of the Interior of Mexico, Miguel Angel Osorio Chong said he was soon visiting the growing population outside the city and would be giving a speech outlining the government’s strategy to rebuild the region. When asked whether the President would be visiting the area, the Minister said while the President was concerned about the situation and is deeply distraught about the suffering of his people, recent drug cartel violence has taken the predominance of his energy.

Both media and citizens alike are questioning the president’s commitment to his people, suggesting he is more worried about his ego in trying to combat the cartels than about the suffering of people essentially on his doorstep.