Sunday, May 18, 2014

Cartel Seizure of Lime and Avocado Farms in Mexico

May 18, 2014 1:03 p.m. ET

In the states of  Chihuahua and Jalisco, several avocados and lime farms have been seized by both local cartels, many of which were reportedly targeted for having farmers that supported vigilante efforts. Last week, the Juarez cartel took control of over 20 lime farms in Chihuahua. Farmers in the region report that such practices have been continuing for a while, but would not say more out of fear.

Jalisco is famous for growing the majority of the avocados Mexico exports internationally. Shortly after the Juarez cartel seizures of the lime farms in Chihuahua, the Sinaloa cartel moved to capture control over a number of avocado farms in Jalisco.

Given the recent cartel seizures of lime and avocado farms, it is predicted that there will be a rise in price. Economic analysts believe that recent increases in the price of both lime and avocados, along with increased marketing in the United States is a front for legitimate entrepreneurial enterprises for the drug cartels. With the popularity of limes and particularly avocados rising rapidly in recent years, the seizure of these farms have translated to a substantial legal form of profit.

Unknowingly, consumers worldwide will be financing these organizations. With more fast-food companies incorporating products such as avocados and guacamole in the rest of the world, the fate of farmers in Mexico remains unknown.